Tiwi District Meeting IV

Friday, February 06, 2015

 TIWI | Day 25 |

FEBRUARY 6, 2015:
We had District Meeting in the morning and the topic was How Do I Recognized and Understand the Spirit. It was a wonderful and helpful topic to all of us. As usual, each of us shared our own experiences and insights about this important topic. My DL's message today is in Alma 36:3-4, the gospel is to be understood spiritually, not intellectually. 

We went to DJC afterwards and we all ordered their best seller halo-halo. IT IS THE BEST HALO-HALO THAT I TRIED SO FAR! It's even better than Blossom's halo-halo in Virac (which is really good too). This is perfect for this summer's heat. 

(L to R) E. Nibarger, E. Reyes, E. Feraer, E. Bahinting
The best halo-halo!


Notable moments of this day:
  • Tiwi District Meeting IV
    • Topic: How Do I Recognize and Understand the Spirit?
  • DJC's halo-halo!
  • We taught:
    • Cleofe Family - Endure to the End
    • Abraham Barcenas (NI)

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