Working with Tiwi Members

Sunday, February 08, 2015

TIWI | Day 27 |

FEBRUARY 8, 2015:
Blessed Sunday. Some of the RCLA members that we taught finally attended church again. 😃 The topic in the Gospel Principle class is repentance and I shared this verse 3 Nephi 9:22. In the afternoon we worked with Bro. Zary and Sis. Lynne. They are good member presents and both soon-to-be missionaries. 😊 Some of the YSAs here in Tiwi are diligent in working with the missionaries. They are also knowledgeable of the gospel. We like working with them because they are more familiar with this place compare to us. They are also good at bearing their testimonies. They are really helpful to us and we're really thankful for their time and diligence. 

with Bro. Zary and Sis. Lynne

with Elder Bahinting and Bro. Zary


We had another productive week this week. Also the other companionship. Our district is doing good lately. We still have a lot of room to improve but we're getting there. 😊


Notable moments of this day:
  • Working with Bro. Zary & Sis. Lynne
  • We taught:
    • Yanzon Family
  • President Guanzon's Birthday

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