Companionship Exchanges with Elder Nielsen

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

TIWI | Day 37 to 38 |

FEBRUARY 18, 2015:
Reunited for a day with my Sensei! 😀 It would be nice if we work in our old area in Comun during my training days, but unfortunately, they had a change of plan. It is still okay. I'm happy that I had this chance to work with my trainer again for the last time. He will go home soon next week so this is a memorable moment for us. It is like a father and son reunion. 😅 It really feels nostalgic working again with him. I felt like a trainee again but better. The flashback of memories really hit both of us. It was fun. Haha. We did a lot of tracting and contacting of referrals. We also had some good and spiritual lessons just like in the old days. 

with my Trainer, Elder Nielsen
Bro. Zary also worked with us

We had many good memories during my training days and I'm thankful for everything that he's done for me. I learned a lot from him. Proverbs 14:18 I respect him a lot and he is one of the most influential and great leaders for me. Thank you Sensei.

FEBRUARY 19, 2015:
Gōng xǐ fā cái! My planner cover really fits this transfer cycle. 🎆 I had a busy morning because I prepared for the district meeting. Thanks to the guidance of the Holy Ghost and we had a wonderful workshop. The Zone Leaders were also present because of exchanges. My D.L.'s message for today is in Proverbs 13:3, which says, don't say more than is needful. I also wrote down the word "carpe diem" as a tribute to my trainer. That word is really meaningful during my training days. I am kind of emotional when I delivered my message. I thanked him again for being a good trainer to me. I wish him all the best in the next chapter of his life.


Notable moments of February 18 to 19:
  • Companionship exchanges with Elder Nielsen
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Zalvie - LoC
    • Santor Family - TPNL
    • Sis. Girlie - TPNL
    • Ibeas Family - D&C 131:1-4
  • Tiwi District Meeting V
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Clet - L1 P6
    • Bro. Arnel - D&C 131:1-4

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