CSP: Bobis Family's Lawn

Monday, February 09, 2015

TIWI | Day 28 to 30 |

FEBRUARY 9, 2015:
P-Day! We played basketball in the morning and I unleashed my dirk-ness. Scored five straight points without a miss. 😎 E-mail time is always awesome. Ecclesiastes 11:9 We did our usual P-Day routine afterwards. 

FEBRUARY 10, 2015:
We had CPS in the morning and we all helped E. Reyes & E. Nibarger's investigator. They plan to make a Barber Shop in front of the Bobis Family's lawn. He also let E. Nibarger & E. Reyes did some haircuts to the kids. 😅 We dig a hole for the post of that shop. We also did some lifting but it wasn't that tiring at all. We're glad we could help. Mosiah 2:17

We also had group photos at the famous Nag-Park site in Tiwi.

Every Tuesday night we're always invited to our Branch President's house to eat dinner with them. This time we ate Bicol express and whooooo it was hot. Albay's version of this dish is extremely spicy. 😅

FEBRUARY 11, 2015:
We had a productive day in missionary work and we're both happy about it. Also, one of the recent converts in Tiwi celebrated her 80th birthday today and we're all invited. It was an awesome feast. 😀


Notable moments of February 9 to 11:
  • Dirkness
  • Quoran
  • CSP at Bobis Family
  • Nag Park
  • Dinner with Bautista-Marzan Family
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Zalvie - Word of Wisdom
    • Santor Family - TPNL
    • Clet Family - Scripture Study
    • Bro. Justin - Jacob 2:18-19
    • Rayala Family - L1

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