'Til We Meet Again — Tiwi Branch

Sunday, February 22, 2015

TIWI | Day 41 to 42 |

FEBRUARY 22, 2015:
Today was Elder Reyes and I last Sunday in Tiwi Branch. We both said our farewells to the members. Elder Reyes was really emotional. He really loves this Branch. He's been here for a long time. Honestly, I'm just little bit sad about getting transferred because I've been here for only a month and a half. It was really different from the two previous areas that I'm super attached to. Besides, I'm also happy because my companion will become a Trainer soon. 

We had a good lesson in Priesthood class about Prophets. Sustaining our living Prophet is really important. D&C 1:38 I'm also happy that we have an investigator that finally attends sacrament meeting. Even though it is my last day I'm still glad that I planted a bunch of seeds before I left.

After the Sunday service, there's a lot of picture taking going on. I'll miss all the members here in Tiwi Branch especially the leaders and all the YSAs that worked with us. Also, all the people that I met and taught. There's a lot of people here that were all nice to me. I'll pray for this Branch to grow more numerically and spiritually. I know Elder Nibarger and Elder Bahinting will continually do good work in this wonderful area of Tiwi together with their new companions soon. We ended the night by having a farewell dinner at our Branch President's house. 

with the Santor-Pulga Families
with our first investigator that attends sacrament meeting, Bro. Celendro & recent convert, Bro. Cid
Elder Reyes with his fancy bag 😅
with the Cope Family, Zary, and E. Bahinting
with Bro. Whoopee and Bro. Rovic
with the Bautista-Marzan families
with the Bobis brothers

FEBRUARY 23, 2015:
Just a normal day. No visits, no farewells... just chillin' in P-Day. In the afternoon I started packing my stuff and trading some stuff with my housemates for remembrance purposes. We also wrote to each other B.R. I'll miss my companion and two other housemates. We've all become good friends in a short period of time. I hope to see them again someday, somewhere in the mission field. I'm also kind of excited for tomorrow. Job 19:25


Notable moments of February 22 to 23:
  • Last Sunday in Tiwi
    • Farewells
    • First and last investigator of Elder Bahinting and I who attends sacrament meeting
  • Farewell Dinner at Bautista-Marzan's house
  • Chillin' and packing.
  • Trading SRs
  • BRs

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