Irosin District Meeting I

Friday, February 27, 2015

IROSIN | Day 4 |

FEBRUARY 27, 2015:
We had District Meeting in the morning led by Elder Pascua. He is the D.L. of Irosin District. The workshop was about "we invite, they commit, we follow up". It's a good workshop and he explained it really well. I also like the verse (D&C 50"19-20) that he shared with us. It's also felt weird that I'm a Zone Leader now. I got used to being a D.L. for quite a long time. When I was a D.L. I always prepare workshops for every meeting but now I just participate, listen, and observe. 

Irosin District: (Sitting) E. Bumadilla, E. Puyat, E. Reyes, E. Pascua (DL), E. Witehira, E. Siarez
(at the back) me, E. Alolor

In the afternoon, we went to Bulusan for a baptismal interview. It is a 45 minutes ride via jeepney. It is also a beautiful place to visit. The investigators of E. Pascua & E. Reyes passed the interviews. 😊 

at Bulusan

When we got back to our area we immediately work and preach the gospel to our scheduled appointments. We went to our area in Salvacion together with Bro. Geruela & Bro. Porcado together with two additional members, Sis. Jecel & Yveth. They are all good MPs. We went to our area in Batang afterwards and I met our Branch President here in Irosin together with his family for the first time. They invited us to eat dinner with them. They are all nice. 😊

(L to R) Bro. Porcado, Sis. Jecel w/ her daughter, Bro. Geruela, Yveth, me


Notable moments of this day:
  • Irosin District Meeting I
    • Workshop: We Invite, They Commit, We Follow Up
  • Bulusan Interviews
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Noli & Sis. Angela - Mosiah 2:41
    • Bro. Joseph & Sis. Jonele - 2 Nephi 31:20
    • Jimenez Family - D&C 128:24
    • Fatima - L1
  • Dinner with Lao Family

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