The Day We Met Brother Jerusalem

Thursday, January 30, 2014

TABACO | DAY 28 to 29 |

JANUARY 29, 2014:
We watched the "District 1" Disc 3. It is a requirement in my 12 Week Guide. It's all about planning. I learned the importance of it and how to plan properly. In our proselyting time, we visited all the potential investigators that we listed in the previous days. All of them are not in their house. We also visited Sis. Irene's family but her mother is the only person in their house. We visited Sis. Evette's referral and her parents are not in their house also. 😩 Well, most of the time this is the scenario, it's not always a success. One of the important things that I learned so far as a missionary is not to be discouraged or give up easily.

In the evening we visited and taught the Delos Santos Family. They have a lot of questions and it's good. It shows that they are really interested. We end our proselyting day by teaching Tomalaon Family. They are our new investigators. We had a productive day again. It's good for the Lord's work.

We just set this picture up for fun. We really watched it together. 😁

JANUARY 30, 2014:
I finished 3rd Nephi in the Book of Mormon. I am amazed at the three-day ministry of Jesus Christ among the Nephites. I am imagining that I am also in their presence. The Book of 3rd Nephi really testifies Jesus Christ, His prophets, and the doctrines of salvation. The Nephites who saw Christ can be an example to us also in this modern-day era. We can also learn from them that we must prepare now to see Jesus Christ again someday. 

I treat my companion a buko-frio and he is happy about it. We did weekly planning and I'm the one who leads it for the first time. I guided Sisters Coleman and Siola'a in my referral for them. That's the one that E. Yu and I met the last time we worked near the apartment. The sisters are really thankful for the referral.

Today was a good day. We contacted the referral of Bro. Benigno in Bantayan. He is "Tatay" Jess Jerusalem, he is a friend of Bro. Benigno. He has a sincere desire to know the true gospel. I also felt sorry for him because his wife left him despite his current situation. He is an old man and he also doesn't live in his own house. He is all alone. He is currently living on the backside of his own house. 😔 Despite all the problems that he has, Tatay Jess has a lot of faith in God. Before we taught him, he already read the Book of Mormon. Yes, seriously. He loves to read the Bible so when Bro. Benigno told him about us when we're just starting to teach the Delos Santos family, he is interested to meet us and to find more truth in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thanks to the impressions and testimony of our investigator Bro. Benigno to Tatay Jess. Because of that, we met other people who are willing to learn and commit to the gospel of Jesus Christ. 😊


Notable moments of January 29 to 30:
  • We taught the Delos Santos Family
  • We met the Tomalaon Family and we taught them also.
  • Book of Mormon Reading ✔ List:
    • 1st Nephi 🗹 2nd Nephi 🗹 Jacob 🗹 Enos 🗹 Jarom 🗹 Omni 🗹 Words of Mormon 🗹
    • Mosiah 🗹 Alma 🗹 Helaman 🗹 3rd Nephi 🗹
  • First time to lead in Weekly Planning Session
  • Gave S. Coleman and S. Siola'a a referral
  • We met Tatay Jess Jerusalem for the first time.

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