Trainers and Trainees Workshop (as a Trainee)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


JANUARY 22, 2014:
The third day of working out. 60 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 60,60,60,60 weights. I hope it continues to be an everyday routine. I finished reading Helaman in the Book of Mormon. I learned about the examples and teachings of Helaman. I also like how Samuel the Lamanite courageously obeyed the Lord and testified of Him despite all challenges in front of him. Today is also our Trainer & Trainee Workshop and we went to Legazpi. I saw all of my batch mates again. I learned a lot of things today and we must be exactly obedient. The other topic is about the Doctrine of Christ and inviting to be baptized on the first meeting. I learned how to invite for baptism properly. We did practice teaching and the investigators assigned to us were Sis. Montecillo (trainer), Sis. Aberin (batchmate) and Sis. Nelson (one of the couple missionaries). This is my least favorite part of the workshop because I'm not really comfortable in practice teaching so far in my early days as a missionary. Haha. But this is an important part of the workshop so that we can apply all the things that we just learned and they said we did well. We only spoke English in the entire lesson because of the presence of Sis. Nelson. 😅

(Front) E. Aguilando, E. Peregrino, E. Savedra, E. Andrada, S. Aberin, S. Atienza, S. Villeza & S. Abasanta
(Back) E. Whitney, Unknown, E. Matautia, Me, S. Erickson, E. Rilloraza & S. Seiuli
with Elder Savedra
with Elder Andrada
A great painting of Legazpi Chapel in one of the stake center's room.

After the workshop, we went to Pacific Mall (biggest and one of the few malls in Legazpi Mission) and we ate at Shakey's with Elders Gunnel and Andrada. From now on in our apartment, I'll try to speak English only so it will improve my speaking skills in that language and my companion also supports me. 😁 E. Nielsen will do the opposite thing by speaking Tagalog all the time. It will help both of us. 👍


Notable moments of this day:
  • Trainer and Trainee Workshop
    • Mission Rules
    • Being exactly obedient
    • Doctrine of Christ
    • Baptismal invitation to the first meeting.
  • Book of Mormon Reading ✔ List:
    • 1st Nephi 🗹 2nd Nephi 🗹 Jacob 🗹 Enos 🗹 Jarom 🗹 Omni 🗹 Words of Mormon 🗹
    • Mosiah 🗹 Alma 🗹 Helaman 🗹

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