First Companion: Elder Nielsen | First Area: Tabaco, Albay

Thursday, January 02, 2014

TABACO | Day 1 |

JANUARY 2, 2014:
I'm wondering who will be my first companion and trainer. I thought it will be a fellow Filipino and I was surprised that my first companion is an American. The first thing in my mind "Does he know already how to speak Tagalog?" and the first thing he said to me was "Kamusta ka? Masaya ako na ikaw ang aking makakasama." so it already answered the question in my mind. Haha. 😂 He seems like a fun and cool person and I'm happy that my trainer is like that. 😁

My trainer and first companion is Elder Nielsen from Arizona, U.S.A. He is also our District Leader.

In the morning we travel from Legazpi to Tabaco. Along the way, I saw how beautiful the Mayon volcano really is. My first area is in the Comun Group (Mostly Quinastillojan and Bantayan). We are the Tabaco-E Elders. I also met my missionary housemates E. Todd (Alaska, U.S.A) and E. Yu (Davao), they are the Zone Leaders of Tabaco. All of my housemates are missionary leaders. Wow. 😲 So it means I am around with great missionaries. We did our studies first and after that E.Nielsen help me in practice teaching. In the afternoon the ZLs showed us our area. Both E.Nielsen and I are new to this area.

We opened a new area in Tabaco. We are Comun B.

The ZLs introduced us to the leader of Comun Group, Bro. Bonaobra and after that, he gave us a referral and we went there afterward. Of course, I was nervous because it will be my first encounter with a real investigator on my very first day in the mission field. 😅 I prayed that the Holy Ghost will help me to teach. The name of the household of the family is Bro. Benigno and he accepted and welcome us happily. There are five of them in the family. They listen to our message about how the gospel can bless their family and Bro. Benigno commits to attend church this Sunday. Wow! This is very heartwarming. Our very first visit together was a success. Heavenly Father guided us to meet and share the gospel with the Delos Santos Family. 😊

This is our apartment. Maybe the biggest missionary apartment in Legazpi mission. I'm a lucky one. 😅

It was a great day. I am tired but I am really happy about what happened today. We are really blessed on our first day together.


Notable moments of this day:
  • I went to my first area.
  • We met the Delos Santos family and we also share how the gospel can bless their family.
    • They're the very first family that I met and taught.

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