Companionship Exchanges with Elder Yu

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


JANUARY 28, 2014:
We had companionship exchanges with our Zone Leaders. My companion for a day was Elder Yu. It was my first time to do morning work near our apartment. We met some people to refer to Sister missionaries. One of them is "Nanay" Julie, she is selling a bed mattress in the streets and she is carrying that everywhere she went despite her old age. 😥 She is resting when we talked to her. She told us that she believes and faithful to Jesus Christ even if she has many problems in life including her son. Before we leave, we offered her a prayer that will bless her in her everyday life.

In the afternoon we proselyted in our area and we met a lot of people and taught some of them. Bro. Felipe and Bro. Maison are two of them. We have added potential investigators to our list. We finish our proselyting by teaching the Alejandro Family.

This was really a productive day for us and I learned a lot from Elder Yu. He is a great missionary even though he is a "Barley Boy". Haha. 😅 I can see why he is chosen to be a Zone Leader even though he is only 6-7 months in the mission. He's a great leader.

with Elder Yu (ZL)


Notable moments of this day:
  • Exchanges with Elder Yu
    • First time to work near our apartment
    • Met "Nanay" Julie.
    • Potential investigators including Bro. Maison and Bro. Felipe
    • We taught Bro. Kaloy and Elton

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