Our Area in Comun Group (Quinastillojan & Bantayan)

Saturday, January 11, 2014


 JANUARY 11, 2014:
Most of our proselyting area is in Quinastillojan and Bantayan in Tabaco City, Albay. The people there are not as many compare to the people in the city. Our apartment is in the city and it takes 30 or more minutes to get into our area.

In the morning, the four of us (housemates) decided to jogged and we did it but we also ended up at Jollibee.😅 In my personal study, I continued the Book of Mormon and after that, we did our weekly planning and Elder Nielsen guide me in doing that.

Today we went to Bantayan and we visit and taught Sis. Renafe even if it is raining because we promise that we'll visit and teach her again. We continued the message of restoration and the member presents also testified to her. We also went to Delos Santos Family and taught them about the Book of Mormon and how can they know if our message and the Book of Mormon is true. We invite them to attend the sacrament meeting tomorrow. Hopefully, they will...

(From left to right: Stephanie, Joy & Nemia together with Bro. Bonaobra (not in the picture) helped us in our teaching by sharing their testimonies. We really appreciate it.)


Notable moments of this day:
  • E. Nielsen taught me to do Weekly Planning.
  • We taught Sis. Renafe and the Delos Santos family.

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