At Their Own Time

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

  BAGAMANOC | Day 239 to 240 |

DECEMBER 10, 2014:
We did our usual morning studies routine. I'm still re-reading the BoM and also found some related verses for our teaching pool today. Companionship study still bases on my companion's 12-week guide. After we ate our lunch, we went to the meeting house to send our weekly report and e-mail. We finally did it after several days of no electricity. We are blessed with nine people that we taught today. The most memorable one is with Sis. Trisha. She's one of the Salvador Family. Few more lessons and they'll become fully ready for the baptismal interview. 😊

DECEMBER 11, 2014:
We did tracting in the morning and something good happened. We found a former investigator through a referral. I remember that I previously visited their house before together with my previous companion but they didn't accept us at that time. Today was a different story and I'm glad that they welcomed us this time. Surely, everybody has their own time. That's the beauty of this missionary work, we're not sharing the gospel in a forceful way. I truly believed in Lord's time. The best example for me right now is with the Salvador Family. I remember when I was new here in San Vicente branch, Nanay Salvador is very hesitant to let us teach her part member son and daughters for some reasons. Today, they are only a few weeks away from their baptism. The gospel really changes lives. 💖 We are also blessed with a dinner appointment at the Candelaria Family's home. We're thankful. 


Notable moments of December 10 to 11:
  • We taught:
    • Julius - Scripture Study
    • Joy G. - Obedience
    • Angie - 1 Nephi 11
    • Ezekiel - 1 Nephi 11
    • Anjo - 1 Nephi 2
    • Patrick - Endure to the end
    • Kristine G. - Happiness
    • Daisy - D&C 5
    • Trisha - Prophet, 10 Commandments, Obey & Honor the law
  • Morning Tracting
  • We taught:
    • Julie Segismundo (NI)
    • Sis. Lovely T. - 1 Nephi 4:13
    • Daisy - D&C 6
    • Calderon Family - 2 Nephi 10:17
  • Dinner at Candelaria Family

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