He Shall Prepare a Way For Them

Monday, December 22, 2014

   BAGAMANOC | Day 251 to 252 |

DECEMBER 22, 2014:
P-Day! I woke up early to play basketball with my housemates. Elder Bongolan's basketball skills improved a lot compare to his first arrival here. We're proud of him. We did our usual P-Day routine after that. Laundry, e-mail, and usual stuff. The Zone Leaders called us at night that they'll be here tomorrow to do the baptismal interviews. We're excited about it. I personally pray for our investigators to become ready for baptism. Tomorrow is the moment of truth. 🙏

DECEMBER 23, 2014:
Baptismal interviews today! Unfortunately, the weather is bad again. 😣 There's no boat trip and the Z.L.s can't be here physically. Fortunately, they found a solution. They texted Pres. Guanzon about it and he said that they can do the interviews via phone call! 😀 We're super happy that the baptismal interviews will push through. 😄 But there's still one problem. There is almost no signal in our area! 😟 Luckily, there's a spot in one of the investigator's house that sometimes has a signal. 😃 We took our chances even if it is only a one bar signal and finally it worked! Problem solved! It's kind of high and awkward to talk in that spot but that's the only way to communicate and be interviewed. We're all happy about it. 😊 

And it came to pass, they all passed the interviews. They will be baptize this Saturday! We're all happy and excited for Sis. Trisha, Sis. Shiala, Sis. Hazel, Sis. Judy Ann, and Bro. Raymark. 😃

Together with the Coral Family and Salvador siblings

The Candelaria Family invited us for dinner. We're thankful for their kindness. Even though the weather is not good today, it is still a wonderful day. The most spiritual thing that I learned today is Heavenly Father always prepares a way so that we may accomplish the things which he commanded us. 


Notable moments of December 22 to 23:
  • Basketball Exercise
  • Rondo
  • Baptismal Interviews
    • Via Phone Call
  • Dinner at Candelaria Family
  • Short hair

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