Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

    BAGAMANOC | Day 253 to 254 |

DECEMBER 24, 2014:
It's a good way to start the day by going out and do the Lord's work. We started a little early and went to our morning appointments in Sagrada. We also taught and reviewed our two investigators for their BIQs. Later on, both of them passed their interviews. We have a total of six baptismal candidates that will be baptized this week. 😃 The Salvador Family invited us and we ate lunch with them. 😊

(L to R) E. Bongolan, Alyssa, Bro. Rene, Hazel, me
Salvador's Home

In the afternoon we taught in Minaili and follow our afternoon schedule.

Part of the road from Sagrada to Minaili
Road to our apartment
with Sis. Ivy

We went back to Sagrada in the evening and taught more people. We really seized the day because there will be no missionary work tomorrow, the ZLs told us. 

It's Christmas eve and many families invited us. We had a feast today! 😁 Together with the other companionship, we started with the Interior Family. Bro. Ronnie prepared a delicious meal for us.

(L to R) E. Bongolan, E. Abuel, E. Vetonio, Bro. Ronnie, Daisy, me
Pigging out 🐷

We finished the night with the Molina Family and our stomach was really full. It feels like it is 3-day fiesta all over again. Haha. We're really thankful to all the families that invited us. We really felt their love for us as a missionary. We didn't felt alone even though we're far away from our own families. For me, San Vicente Branch is my extended family. 💗 It was a great day and we also had 16 lessons overall today. 😃 

District toast!

DECEMBER 25, 2014:
There's no missionary work today. We could also have a chance to talk to our family through a phone call but we're in an area that didn't have much signal so it's not possible to do that. We can call them every Christmas and Mother's Day. I also didn't have a chance to talk to them when I was in MTC so it's 0-2 for me. 😒 Fortunately, we can also e-mail them today.

Our District, the four of us, exchanged gifts. The one that I've been assigned to is Elder Vetonio. I gave him a time watch. Elder Abuel was the one assigned to me and he gave me a figure of Robin from One Piece. He really knows what I like. Haha. We've been housemates for 3 transfer cycles now. I'm happy and thankful for his gift. 😀

My exchange gift for E. Vetonio
E. Abuel's gift


Notable moments of December 24 to 25:
  • Productive morning work
  • We taught:
    • Raymark - Baptism & Confirmation
    • Judy Ann C. - Sacrament
    • Trisha - Eternal Life
    • Shiala - Sacrament
    • Hazel - BIQ
    • Alyssa - BIQ
    • Angie - 1 Nephi 12
    • Anjo - 1 Nephi 3
    • Patrick - Missionary Work
    • Julius - Scripture Study
    • Kristine G. - Obedience
    • Joy G. - 1 Nephi 4
    • Jercil - Teachings and Learning in the Church
    • Ivy - 1 Nephi 9-10
    • Janine - 1 Nephi 5-6
    • Daisy - D&C 8
  • Hazel & Alyssa passed their interviews
  • Lunch at Salvador Family
  • Dinner at Interior Family
  • Christmas Eve at Molina Family
  • District Exchange Gifts
    • Robin from E. Abuel

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