Companionship Exchanges with Elder Abuel

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 259 |

DECEMBER 30, 2014:
Beasting - Day 1, We had 6 lessons in our morning work. We also had companionship exchanges today and my companion was Elder Abuel. Bro. Steven, Sis. Hermaine, and Sis. Lyn also worked with us. 

with Elder Abuel
Writing/message of our investigator and recent converts. 💙

On our way to Sagrada we saw the raging river in the spillway which is also the bridge to our destination. One of the members tried to stop me to cross the bridge because it is really dangerous. I insisted because, in my mind, I know that there are families that are expecting us to come. My desire to teach really keeps me pressing forward. Elder Abuel was also cool with it. After explaining it, that member assisted me to the other side. I felt genuine concern and I do appreciate it. 

Because of our perseverance and our hard work we shared the gospel fourteen times. But we are also trapped and can't go back. It's dark and the river became more uncalm and dangerous. We're stuck in Sagrada for the rest of the night. We had no choice but to sleepover. We stayed at Pres. Lopez house. We're thankful for their kindness.


Notable moments of this day:
  • Beasting Day 1
  • Companionship Exchanges with Elder Abuel
  • We taught:
    • Anjo - 2 Nephi 32:3
    • Angie - 1 Nephi 12
    • Patrick - Helaman 5:12
    • Princess - Gift of the Holy Ghost
    • Julius - 2 Nephi 32:3
    • Reden - L1
    • Rica - Tithing & Fast Offering
    • Ivy - 1 Nephi 14
    • Janine - 2 Nephi 32:3
    • Salvador Siblings - L1
    • Zaldy - L1
    • Santelices Family - Baptismal Covenant
    • Calderon Family - Baptismal Covenant
    • Lovely T. - 1 Nephi 8:11-12
  • Raging Spillway Bridge
  • Assisted
  • Sleepover at Bro. Magin's house
  • Girlish clothes

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