San Vicente Branch Christmas Party

Friday, December 26, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 255 |

DECEMBER 26, 2014:
I woke up early to write and think of what will be our presentation for the Christmas Party later this day. It's a rush! My housemates/district mates also helped me finalized the "improv/nonsense/ugly/cringe" presentation. Hahaha. 😂 We went to work afterwards and Elder Bongolan and I had 12 lessons today and all of us missionaries also invited the members and investigators for the Branch Christmas Party.

The party started around 4pm. Everyone was excited. There are a lot of members and investigators who attend. It's really fun and exciting (except for the moment of our presentation. Haha.) There are some members that also performed. Sis. Daisy sang and the twins danced.

And now, our turn to shame ourselves. Haha. Please note that this was also our PRACTICE time while we are performing. It's really cringing. 😆 But it's alright, as long as the members are having fun and enjoying our different side, it is okay. Elder Vetonio was also extra funny today. 😁

After the musical performance, the games come next. It was led by Elder Abuel and Sister Badeth. I didn't know that Elder Abuel is good at this. He can be a game show host like Elder Moran. 😅 Both of them have nice game ideas and it was entertaining. The children that are participating were all having fun. 😊

Aside from games, there was also a question and answer portion with some special rewards. It was also fun. 😊 Special mention also to the young women / SA(s) that captured a lot of photos using our cameras. They are the ones responsible for capturing these fun memories for the branch. We're grateful to them. 😀

The Relief Society prepared and cooked delicious foods for us. Also to all the Priesthood leaders who planned and lead this event. We're all thankful to them. 😃

There was a lot of picture-taking too. 😅

It was a great day and a fun night overall. Everyone enjoyed the party. We're happy and thankful for this event. It is also helpful for the investigators and all the members to have this kind of bonding. They will become closer to each other. United. 😊


Notable moments of this day:
  • We taught:
    • Raymark - Endure to the End
    • Judy Ann C. - Holy Ghost
    • Trisha - Sacrament
    • Shiala - Eternal Life
    • Hazel - Baptism
    • Angie - 1 Nephi 12
    • Anjo - 1 Nephi 3
    • Patrick - Service
    • Julius - Scripture Study
    • Ivy - 1 Nephi 11
    • Janine - 1 Nephi 7
    • Daisy - D&C 9
  • San Vicente Branch Christmas Party
    • Our Presentation
    • Bond with members and investigators

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