Pain is Temporary, Salvation is Forever

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 232 to 233 |

DECEMBER 3, 2014:
We didn't feel better yet but we have to work. This pain and sacrifice are nothing compared to the atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Pain is temporary and salvation through the gospel is forever. Most of the people that we visited and taught today are the RCLAs. We also visited and taught some of our investigators, especially the Coral and Salvador families. They are our most progressing investigators right now. Elder Abuel and his new companion, Elder Vetonio also arrived today. He also came from Comun and that was also his first area. 

Elder Bongolan and I together with some of the RCs.

DECEMBER 4, 2014:
After our morning studies, we went to Sagrada to help Bro. Toltol. It's a good feeling to start the day with some service. We went and did our scheduled appointments in the afternoon and the most memorable one is with Bro. Malonzo. He is one of our progressing investigators. He is funny and crazy sometimes. Haha. We always had fun teaching him and his friends. Sometimes he will go to our apartment and call us outside (everyone knows where our apartment is because this is a small village) just to say and remind us to teach him. 😅 It's amazing to have an investigator like him.

(L to R) Daisy, Ericson, me, Malonzo, Carlo

At night, The Zone Leaders texted us that we must evacuate immediately tomorrow morning because there is a super typhoon coming... 😨


Notable moments of December 3 to 4:
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Lovely T. - Mark 5
    • Coral Family - LoC
    • Salvador Family - Tithing and Fast Offering
    • Joy G. - Prayer
    • Kristine G. - Teaching and Learning in the Church
    • Ezekiel - 1 Nep 9
    • Patrick - Baptism for the Dead
    • Angie - Judgement Day
    • Anjo - Endure to the end
  • CSP at Toltol Family
  • We taught:
    • Gilbert - L2 Q2
    • Daisy - D&C 4
    • Malonzo - Tithing and Fast Offering
    • Ivy - T&L
    • Janine - T&L
    • Julius - Scriptures Study
    • Carlo - Sabbath Day

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