Look For Opportunities to Serve

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

  BAGAMANOC | Day 238 |

DECEMBER 9, 2014:
Finally, we can come out of our cage. No more typhoons and we can come out. Our main plan for today is to look for opportunities to serve in any way we can. We went to Sagrada and happily found out that all is well in our main area. There's no damage to properties or whatsoever and we are glad that all of them are safe and sound. Thanks to our Heavenly Father that all of the people here are okay. Sincere prayer with faith really works. We decided to do our normal routine and share the gospel and use our time wisely to make up for the lost time these past several days because of the typhoon. We are blessed with 16 lessons today and it is our highest (with Elder Bongolan) for a day. 

(L to R) Abel, Gilbert, Malonzo, Francis, E. Bongolan, me, Ericson, Carlo


Notable moments of today:
  • We taught:
    • Kristine G. - Endure to the end
    • Joy G. - 1 Nephi 3
    • Ezekiel - Scripture Study
    • Anjo - 1 Nephi 1
    • Angie - Scripture Study
    • Patrick - Service
    • Malonzo - Living Prophet
    • Salvador Family - 10 Commandments
    • Judy Ann C. - Tithing and Fast Offering
    • Ivy - Endure to the end
    • Janine - Eternal life
    • Francis - L1 Review
    • Gilbert - L2 Q3
    • Abel - Endure to the end
    • Carlo - Scripture Study
    • Ericson - Happiness

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