Tropical Storm: Ruby

Friday, December 05, 2014

 BAGAMANOC | Day 234 to 237 |

DECEMBER 5, 2014:
We are trapped. There's no boat ride to Bagamanoc Proper because of the raging waves. We can't also work outside and the area presidency also advised us to prepare for the incoming super typhoon and remain inside our apartment. We use this time to prepare and study. I also updated our area book.

DECEMBER 6, 2014:
Super Typhoon Ruby arrives!! This typhoon's presence felt throughout the island. It is now signal #3 in Catanduanes. The inevitable blackout also came and we all got nothing to do. It's also hard to sleep because of mosquitos. 

DECEMBER 7, 2014:
It's Sunday today and the storm is still raging. Only a few of us attended the sacrament meeting. Only those who live near the meeting house. It's understandable and expected during this circumstance. On the bright side, our Branch President told us that this typhoon might finally go out tomorrow. Hopefully, it will.

DECEMBER 8, 2014:
P-Day and the weather finally got better! It is still cloudy and rainy but not strong compared to the past few days. There's still no electricity in Minaili, maybe also in Sagrada. 


Notable moments of December 5 to 8:
  • Tropical Storm Ruby

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