Companionship Exchanges with Elder Pulido

Thursday, December 18, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 247 to 248 |

DECEMBER 18, 2014:
While on our way back to Catanduanes we experienced the rage and wrath of the sea. It's the strongest I felt ever since I'm assigned to this island. Luckily for me, I was kind of a "veteran" in this kind of scenario compared to some of my fellow missionaries/zone mates. Most of them thew up, even the Elders. Travelling and being in San Vicente for eight months and counting trained me for this moment. 😅 We arrived around 4pm in the afternoon. We rest a little bit and went to the grocery for our supplies afterwards. We ate at Blossoms for our dinner. When we returned to the ZL's apartment, they told us that we will have a companionship exchange tomorrow. I think our companionship will be with Elder Pulido.

SV Elders pigging it out 😁
The best Halo-Halo in Catanduanes!

DECEMBER 19, 2014:
We had our companionship study with Elder Pulido in the morning. He had some good inputs in our study routine. It will definitely help Elder Bongolan. We also did our weekly planning session and we ate our lunch at Foodtrip afterwards. I feasted with my grilled liempo and five cups of rice. 😁

We worked in the afternoon and went to our scheduled appointments for today. The memorable ones are with the Cal Family and Sister Gemma. We had a good experience teaching them today. We did a little tracting on our way to the dinner place. Elder Pulido recommended the place and it was too much for our expectation. It is like a building/hotel type of place. It was good. I particularly like the chocolate frappe. We rest a little bit and did a lot of walking and tracting in the evening. Elder Pulido loves to tract. Haha. The most positive thing out of it is Elder Bongolan's experience in doing that. Honestly, we didn't do a lot of tracting in our area. We are blessed with the help of the members through their referrals. We have a lot of people to teach. Our teaching pool is awesome. It is not like that when I arrived but together with my previous companions we built and grew it. Before we returned to the ZL's apartment, Elder Pulido showed us a relaxation place and we sit there for a while. We had a good, productive, and tiring day. We're all excited about tomorrow. We'll be having a Zone Meeting and exchange gift afterwards.😀 Also, tomorrow's my one year anniversary as a missionary!! Yay! 😃

(L to R) E. Feraer, E. Bongolan, E. Pulido


Notable moments of December 18 to 19:
  • Back in Catanduanes
    • Blossoms
  • Companionship Exchanges with Elder Pulido
    • Tracting!
    • ARDCI dinner

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