Christmas Conference 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

   BAGAMANOC | Day 246 |

DECEMBER 17, 2014:
This is the season to be jolly, la la la la la, la la la la! Christmas conference today. They said that it is the most awaited mission celebration every year. All missionaries all over the Philippines Legazpi Mission gathered today. It's a joyous occasion indeed! 😃

My companion and I are both excited about this event. It's our first time attending Christmas Con.

The food that Sister Guanzon and company prepared is delicious as always. It's like the Christmas luncheon when I was in the MTC. We watched a picture slideshow while we're eating. There's a lot of happy and funny pictures of every missionary in PLM. 😂

After our lunch, the Office Elders assigned seating arrangements for every Zones. You can feel the excitement in every missionary and some of us are also tense too especially in our district. Haha. We're not able to attend any of the performance practices in our Zone because of bad weather and we're far from Virac (place of practice). In short, my district mates and I are not prepared and we don't have any idea what to do on stage. I guess we'll just go with the flow. 😅

The Zone musical performance is about to start...

Philippines Legazpi Mission group photo. 😁

Lights closed, any second now...

The first to perform is Ligao Zone. My former companion, Elder Bacalso is in that Zone. I'm happy that he is also a trainer now. 😀 My former zone mate, Elder Agbayani is in Ligao too. I'm happy to see both of them. 😁

Ligao Zone

Next to perform is Tabaco Zone! Of course, I cheered my Sensei/Trainer, Elder Nielsen. 😁 Tabaco's performance was good especially the singing part. They are well prepared. Some of my former zone mates that are in that zone now are Elder Peterson, Sister Cobales, Sister Sasagi, Sister Aholelei, Elder McPherson, Elder Boysillo, and my batchmate Sister Abasanta.

Tabaco Zone

Next up is Guinobatan Zone. Only Sister Bodduppali and Sister McCoard were my former zone mates.

Next up is Sorsogon Zone. Their performance was an entertaining one. My former zone mates are Elder Davis, Elder Alolor, Sister Lapuz, and Sister Coleman. My batchmate, Elder Peregrino is in there too. Also my ward mate Sister Santiago. 😀

Next is Bulan Zone. Wow. That was a fun performance. It's really weird to see my former district mate and batchmate, Elder Irabon dance. Hahaha. 😂 My former companion Elder Aguilando and MTC district mate Elder Savedra are in Bulan too. Seems like they are having a good time in that zone. It's fun to see all of them again. 😀 My former zone mates Elder Riodique, Elder Estilloso, and Sister Seiuli are in there too.

Next is the craziest and funny performance of the night. The Masbate Zone. What an introduction too! 😆 My former companion, Elder Carpio's rhythm seems different from his groupmates. Haha. 😂 My batchmates, Elder Andrada, Sister Villeza, Sister Erickson, and Elder Matautia are in that zone too. Also my former zone mates Sister Reategui and Elder Bagaoisan.

Next in line is our zone, Catanduanes Zone! I think my zone mates did well too especially the dance part. That was funny. Haha. The only let down I guess is our district, not prepared and didn't have any clue what we are supposed to do. 😅

Last but not least is the Legazpi Zone. They did pretty well too. We're all entertained. 😀 My former zone mates are Elder Yu, Elder Pasadillo, and Sister Fabia. Batchmates in that zone are Sister Atienza, Elder Emperador, and Elder Rilloraza.

After all the performances, President Guanzon and the office Elders gave some awards for each zones. Each of us missionaries also received some special gift from Pres. and Sis. Guanzon. 😃 One of the most fun parts is the "hi's and hello's" to your friends and fellow missionaries. We had a chance to catch up and of course, we took a lot of pictures too. 😃

with my Trainee and my Trainer
(E. Bongolan, me, E. Nielsen)
with some of my batchmate Elders
(me, E. Rilloraza, E. Emperador, E. Savedra, E. Andrada, E. Peregrino)
with my former San Vicente district mates
(E. Bacalso, me, E. Bagaoisan)
with E. Rilloraza & E. Andrada
Elder Dalit & Elder Bongolan
(E. Andrada, E. Aguilando, E. Savedra, E. Emperador, S. Villeza, E. Irabon, S. Atienza, E. Rilloraza, S. Abasanta, me)
with my wardmate, Sis. Santiago
E. Aguilando in the background
Bongolan x Dalit x Alvaro
Elder Bongolan & his batchmates
with my San Vicente companions
(E. Bongolan, E. Bacalso, me, E. Aguilando)
My First 5 Companions
(E. Nielsen, E. Bongolan, me, E. Carpio, E. Bacalso, E. Aguilando)
with Elder Yu
Tabaco Mates
(E. Nielsen, me, E. Yu)
Tabaco Wolf Pack minus E. Todd
with S. Fabia & E. Lethaby
with batchmate, Sis. Atienza
Sis. Fabia & Sis. Atienza

It was a fun and memorable day for all of us. I'm happy to see all of my mission friends and feast on the delicious meals prepared by our mission mom Sis. Guanzon. We're also entertained by each performance of every Zones. I also had a chance to have some rare group photos of my first five companions. That was really awesome. Also the lineage picture with my Sensei and my young padawan. It's a great day overall! Thank you to all the persons involved that planned and prepared this fun event. 😃

San Vicente District
(Elder Abuel, Elder Vetonio, Elder Feraer, Elder Bongolan)


Notable moments of this day:
  • Luncheon Feast
  • PLM Picture slideshow
  • Zone Musical Performances
  • Missionaries Gathering
  • First Five Companion Pic
  • Lineage Pic

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