Rice Planting Experience

Monday, December 01, 2014

 BAGAMANOC | Day 230 to 231 |

DECEMBER 1, 2014:
P-Day and we're still working. 💪 We've made a promise to Castillo Family that we'll help them in rice planting and we also wanted to experience it. It was a good experience for me and my companion. It is really true that this is not easy stuff. It was really tiring but it was fun. Hats off to all the farmers for their diligence and dedication. 👏

Thank you Castillo Family for this wonderful experience! 😃

DECEMBER 2, 2014:
Oh... Headache, sunburn, sore back, sore legs, everything hurts. Haha. 😩 We really felt the aftermath of yesterday's work. Our body was not ready for that but still, we're glad that we could help even in a small way. My companion and I decided to rest our bodies today because we're both having a hard time moving around. We'll bounce back tomorrow.


Notable moments of December 1 to 2:
  • Rice Planting Experience
  • Sore Day

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