Last Sunday of 2014

Sunday, December 28, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 257 |

DECEMBER 28, 2014:
Last Sunday of the year! Time goes by very quickly. After the Sunday service, we had a photo session outside the meeting house. Maybe some members felt that I'll depart soon. Afterwards, we had a delicious lunch with the Molina Family. As always, they invite us to lunch every Sunday. 😀

(L to R) E. Vetonio, me, E. Abuel, E. Bongolan
(Photobomb) S. Badeth
Lopez Sisters, Hermaine & Gina
with Hermaine
with Villamartin Sisters
(Pearl, Badeth, Verly)

During our last appointment in the evening, there are a bunch of kids who popped out of nowhere wearing a shiny mask. Haha. I don't know what's the occasion today but it was fun seeing them like that. 😅 All in all, Elder Bongolan and I had a great week this week. We hit the SoE again in Baptism, Confirmation, MP, RCLA, and the total number of lessons. We had 41. Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirk!


Notable moments of this day:
  • Lunch at Molina Family
  • We taught:
    • Francis - L3
    • Ivy - 1 Nephi 13
    • Janine - Importance of Book of Mormon
    • Rica - LoC
    • Liezel - L3
    • Daisy - D&C 10
  • SoE achieved
    • Baptism
    • Confirmation
    • Member Present lessons
    • RCLA lessons
    • Total Lessons taught (41)

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