Bro. Bobis Baptismal Interview

Saturday, January 24, 2015

TIWI | Day 12 |

JANUARY 24, 2015:
I did baptismal a baptismal interview before noontime. I'm glad that I'm the one who'll interview Bro. Bobis after all this time. I've known him since I'm a trainee because of companionship exchanges before. He's a good and funny man. I asked him all the needed questions for baptismal requirements and afterward, he passed the interview. He'll finally be baptized soon! He and his family celebrated it by capturing and making a delicious chicken dish. Haha. They also invited us missionaries to eat lunch with them. 😊

Lunch with Bobis Family

In the afternoon and evening, we attended the Priesthood session and pre-district Conference at Tabaco City Chapel. I had a better understanding now of Priesthood oaths and covenants. D&C 84:33-44 I also learned something important from one of the young men in Tabaco District. I know, I experienced, and I achieved a lot of great things as a missionary so far. But that's because of the help of our loving Heavenly Father. I'm just an instrument and His disciple. The glory will be Thine forever.


Notable moments of this day:
  • Bro. Bobis Baptismal interview
  • Lunch with Bobis Family
  • Priesthood Session and pre-district Conference at Tabaco
    • Priesthood Oaths and Covenants
  • We taught:
    • Santor Family -TPNL

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