Third Area: Tiwi, Albay

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

TIWI | Day 2 to 3 |

JANUARY 14, 2015:
I've been to Tiwi when I was a trainee. I enjoyed being here during companionship exchanges. It is also a beautiful place. Now, it is my third area in the mission field. I'm happy that I'm quite familiar with this place and I knew some (few) of the members already. 

Our apartment is clean and beautiful! The previous occupants are Sister Missionaries. Everything is alright in our new place except for one important thing... there's no electricity here for a month now! The other companionship told us that there's no electricity in our street since December because of the previous storm that hit the Bicol region. They also said that the problem was the two electric companies that are arguing about who will fix the electric post in our street. It seems they are pointing to each other and didn't seem to care. As of now, no one knows when the electricity in our street will come back. Sigh. 😩

Sister Missionaries' motivation and reminder wall
I just only received and opened this Christmas package from my family. It felt like Christmas all over again. 😄

Elder Bahinting and I are also both new in this area. It is really challenging when both missionaries are new in an area. It's an open area and it's really hard to start and find the people in the previous missionaries' teaching pool. We don't have any idea where to go on our first day. We spent most of our time tracting. No one is available to work with us today. Our patience will be tested here. Alma 17:11 

E. Bahinting and I exchanged neckties. I gave him one of my new ties. It's an early symbol of our companionship unity. 👍

JANUARY 15, 2015:
We did weekly planning in the morning. Most of our plan is all about finding people to teach and get to know our area and also the members. Like what happened yesterday, we spent most of our time finding and OYM-ing. We also received and contacted a referral. 


Notable moments of January 14 to 15:
  • Third area: Tiwi, Albay
    • Tiwi B
  • Beautiful apartment but no electricity
  • Opened Christmas package
  • Exchanged neckties
  • 15

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