13th Month in the Mission

Monday, January 19, 2015

 TIWI | Day 7 to 8 |

JANUARY 19, 2015:
I woke up early and I feasted upon the words of Christ early on. These verses (1 Nephi 7:4-5, 17) made an impact for me today and I had new insights about them. It gave me strength in what I am currently experiencing in our new area. 

It's our first P-Day in Tiwi and we played basketball. There's a basketball court near our apartment and fortunately, my new companion likes and plays basketball too. He's also good at it. After we played, I kept myself busy organizing my stuff. 

with Elder Westbrook, I mean Elder Bahinting. 😆

My new wall deco/motivation. 😁

We e-mailed in the afternoon and the internet speed here in Tiwi is surprisingly fast! It's the best one so far and I'm loving it! 😃

JANUARY 20, 2015:
It felt like Christmas in the morning because I just opened and read the Christmas letter from my family. My ward mates sent one too. I am really happy and I appreciate it. My parents are the best! 😊 We also found a potential new apartment. Our Branch President in Tiwi helped us find it. We just need to send the details and pictures to the Mission Office and if everything is okay we might move to it soon.

We had a good day in proselyting. We finally taught a lesson to an investigator and it feels so good! 😃 This was a good sign for us after many days of rejections. It was all hard-earned lessons, not given. We really worked hard and searched for them. I shared this verse (1 Nephi 10:19) with one of our new investigators and I hope he'll pray and seek for the truth diligently. It's also my 13th month on the mission today. 


Notable moments of January 19 to 20:
  • Christmas letters
  • Playing basketball with my companion
  • Potential new apartment
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Arnel - Pray often
    • Sis. Marivic (NI) 
    • Ken Vidua (NI)

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