Floody New Year

Thursday, January 01, 2015

 BAGAMANOC | Day 261 to 262 |

JANUARY 1, 2015:
Non-stop rain since yesterday causes these huge and rampaging floods in the Sagrada River. Some parts of the bridge and spillway got destroyed also. It's the worst this week. The people here are temporarily trapped including all of us missionaries. What a way to start the year. Hopefully, it will get better soon. 

One of the things that I learned from my companion is to look for a positive side of all things even in this kind of situation. The positive and lone bright spot that happened today was when we taught one of our investigators and she committed to attend church this Sunday. It is a rough start today but I feel good about this year. This will be a new and better beginning for me. 2 John 1:6

JANUARY 2, 2015:
Beasting - Day 4, Finally!!, The rain subsides last night and the river flow became better in the morning. The water is still not below the bridge but it is passable now. We surely miss our apartment.

at Sagrada River

We didn't waste any time and after our preparation, we went out to work. We had 11 discussions, 2 referrals received and contacted, and a new potential investigator that I can feel that will progress. 🙏 The most memorable teaching moment today is when we taught Sis. Ivy. She is the most progressing recent convert for me right now. She reads BoM every day and she shared this verse 1 Nephi 15:24 and explained it very well. She's a potential future missionary. 😊

(L to R) E.Bongolan, Rica, Ivy, me


Notable moments of January 1 to 2:
  • Trap - Day 3
  • We taught:
    • S. Lovely F. - L1 P1-P6
  • Beasting - Day 4
  • We taught:
    • Raymark - Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith
    • Judy Ann C. - L1
    • J.M. - L1 P1-P2
    • S. Lovely T. - 1 Nephi 15
    • Digz - L1
    • Hutch John - L2
    • Richie Castillo (NI)
    • Abelardo Jr. - L1
    • Rica - Priesthood & Auxillary
    • Francis - L3
    • Ivy - 1 Nephi 15-17

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