
Monday, January 05, 2015

   BAGAMANOC | Day 265 to 266 |

JANUARY 5, 2015:
I recommended not to go to Virac today to my companion and he agreed. We will rest our minds and body today after all the grueling and grinding days last week. Personally, I am really drained right now. Mosiah 4:27 We definitely deserved our rest this P-Day besides I also want to spend all my remaining days in our area. 😊 

JANUARY 6, 2015:
I spent all morning washing my Mt. Everest set of clothes. It's been a while since I did this because I don't really have any more clean clothes. 😅 Lunchtime comes and I'm still not finished. The other Elders returned from Virac. Around noon, Bro. Ericson came by and he invited us to go with him to their coconut farm. We're all craving for delicious and fresh coconuts and we all agreed to go with him. I stopped what I am doing and I'll just continue it after we eat coconuts.

And it came to pass that their farm was really far! I think it is an hour or two of walking. To make our journey worth it, I ate ten whole fresh coconuts!! Yes! TEN! 😆 It's my highest record! (Previously it was 6 or 7) Haha. We also enjoyed walking and unwinding in the river that we passed by. 

with E. Bongolan and Ericson
Buko is 💗
with E. Abuel
with Daisy & E. Bongolan
(L to R) E. Abuel, E. Feraer, E. Bongolan, and E. Vetonio

At night, I finally finished my laundry. As usual, the lack of a continuous supply of water is really a challenge in this area. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed and had fun today. 😀


Notable moments of January 5 to 6:
  • Well deserved rest
  • Idanan farm adventures

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