Light Will Always Overcome Darkness

Thursday, January 29, 2015

TIWI | Day 17 to 18 |

JANUARY 29, 2015:
Light! There's good news for us. We'll move out soon and transfer to our new apartment together with the other companionship. We'll experience having electricity and we can sleep well again at night soon! 😃 We also had a productive day in missionary work and I really felt the guidance of the Holy Ghost while we're teaching. However, there is always an opposition in all things... 2 Nephi 2:11 I'll overcome it. 

JANUARY 30, 2015:
I had a nightmare. I hope everything's fine back home. 😟 I had a productive personal study and it helped me to be optimistic today. There's a surprising moment that happened today. THERE'S A LIGHT NOW!! Genesis 1:3 THE ELECTRICITY CAME BACK AFTER MORE THAN A MONTH! 😃 But we will be moving out soon so it doesn't matter anymore. 😅😆 

We taught a less active member who is like an older brother to me. He has some concerns with some members that's why he became not active anymore. We know it's hard and we helped him solve his concerns. We'll continue to help him overcome and face this adversity that's happening to him. We had another spiritual moment teaching him. The Holy Ghost really filled our testimony and I know he also felt it. I'm pretty optimistic that he'll attend church again this Sunday. 😊


Notable moments of January 29 to 30:
  • News of we'll moving out soon.
  • Confidence booster
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Arnel - Scripture Study
    • Christian & Rodel (NIs)
    • Rolly (NI)
  • The electricity came back!
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Justin - TPNL

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