My Last District Meeting in San Vicente

Saturday, January 03, 2015

 BAGAMANOC | Day 263 |

JANUARY 3, 2015:
This is our last and only District Meeting with this line-up. There's a really high chance of I'm getting transferred soon. My workshop was about Teach People, Not Lessons and my district mates know it very well. 😊 D&C 43:15

I love being a District Leader here in San Vicente and for me, this is the best District here in Legazpi Mission. We can back it up too! I want to be here for the rest of my mission days but it's not possible... So I'll seize all the remaining days I have left in this wonderful area.

Beast mode - Day 5, Another very productive day. We had double-digit discussions again. It's a great streak! 😃


Notable moments of this day:
  • San Vicente District Meeting XX
    • My last DM in San Vicente
    • Teach People, Not Lessons
  • We taught:
    • Angie - L2
    • Anjo - Sabbath Day
    • Ezekiel - Teachings & Learning in the Church
    • Patrick - Sabbath Day
    • Daisy - D&C 11
    • Digz - Book of Mormon
    • JM - L1 P3-P4
    • Coral Family - L2
    • Sally Jeane & Jeric - Love
    • Lovely F. - L1 P7-P8

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