Tabaco District Conference

Sunday, January 25, 2015

 TIWI | Day 13 to 14 |

JANUARY 25, 2015:
District Conference! I saw and met my beloved Comun saints again! 😃 I'm really glad that I saw the Delos Santos family again. They are the first that I met and baptized. I also just found out that they are planning to be sealed in the temple soon. THAT'S AMAZING! 😍 Sister Guanzon is really a good speaker. When she talks, everyone listens. She told a story about a grandmother who saw a thief and shouted Acts 2:38 and the thief surrendered. It was a funny story! Hahaha. 😂

with the members of Comun Group.
with Comun saints and currently assigned missionary Elder Bactad
Batchmates | Elder Savedra, Sister Abasanta, Elder Feraer

We rode our way back to Tiwi at the top of the jeepney. It was a fun ride! 😁

JANUARY 26, 2015:
Happy P-Day! 😊 We played basketball with some members of the Tiwi Branch. There's a flashback moment when I remembered when we are playing against the missionaries together with my friends back in my homeward. But now, it's a reversal of roles. I'm a missionary now. 😅 

I spent most of my time in the afternoon washing my clothes. It's easy to do laundry now compared to when I was in San Vicente. The water supply is unlimited again. 😀 I also read scriptures and I particularly like this verse 2 Nephi 32:3 for today

I had a great time in my e-mail time again. I'm also happy that my family is still doing well back home. I miss them. 💗


Notable moments of January 25 to 26:
  • Tabaco District Conference
    • Short reunion with Comun members
    • Sis. Guanzon's talk
    • Jeepney ride
  • Basketball with Tiwi members
  • Happy P-Day

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