
Mission Tour with Elder Ardern of the Seventy

TABACO | DAY 57 to 58 | FEBRUARY 27, 2014: This was a wonderful day because we had a chance to listen and learned from Elder Ardern of the Seventy. I learned a lot from this mission tour and his talks and testimony inspire me to be a better disciple of Christ. I'm here because the Lord wants me here in Legazpi mission...

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Working in the Zone Leader's Area in Comun

TABACO | DAY 56 | FEBRUARY 26, 2014: Second C.E. with Elder Yu and this time we're working in their area. I'm excited to be there because most of the members of Comun Group lives there. We still followed my training schedule, a lot of study time in the morning. He also helped me with my 12 Week Guide. I'm also amazed at...

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Another Referral from the Delos Santos Family

TABACO | DAY 54 to 55 | FEBRUARY 24, 2014: Since I became a missionary I appreciate more the importance of my family and I'm happy that they're really supportive and happy for me even though we are not of the same religion (yet). I also became closer to my parents and became open to sharing my plans when I return home. I'm...

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Surprise! Our Investigators Arrived

TABACO | DAY 53 | FEBRUARY 23, 2014: We left our apartment early to picked up Bro. Denver and we also came by to Alejandro Family to invite them. As we arrived at the church we saw Bro. Benigno with another investigator, Bro. Jerusalem! He overcame the trials that he is facing physically and emotionally. It is a blessing to see him come...

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Sister Irene's Send-off Party

TABACO | DAY 51 to 52 | FEBRUARY 21, 2014: In my personal study I solely focus on the lessons that we are teaching on this day. We also had a weekly planning session to help us be prepared for next week and to evaluate this current week also. Our common goal is to find more new investigators. Before I ate lunch, I...

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2nd Month in the Mission

TABACO | DAY 50 | FEBRUARY 20, 2014: Two months in the mission, twenty to go! 😂 I've just heard the song "Right where you are" and it is really nice. I like the melody, tune, beat, and the voice of the female singer. It is my new favorite EFY song. As a missionary, we are only allowed to listen to hymn and...

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Farewell Neji..

TABACO | DAY 47 to 49 | FEBRUARY 17, 2014: P-Day, I played basketball with E. Yu in the morning. We all ate lunch at Jollibee, print some pictures, withdraw, groceries, and got a haircut. The most exciting part is the e-mail time and I got some good news and bad news. The good news is my family is all fine and our...

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The Gift of the Holy Ghost

TABACO | DAY 46 | FEBRUARY 16, 2014: We arrived early in the church and I'm really excited about the confirmation of the newly baptized members especially Bro. Benigno and Sis. Evette. Today, they will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Those who receive it and remain worthy can enjoy His companionship throughout their lives. The Holy Ghost testifies of Christ and helps...

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Baptism: Benigno Delos Santos & Evette Delos Santos

TABACO | DAY 45 | FEBRUARY 15, 2014: This is it! The day that Bro. Benigno (father) and Sis. Evette (daughter) Delos Santos has been baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 😍 I'm really happy for them because they chose the right path and made a covenant with our Heavenly Father. 😊 Bro. Benigno and I were the first...

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Pag-ibig Day Feast

TABACO | DAY 44 | FEBRUARY 14, 2014: We had a District Meeting today and there are newly assigned missionaries in our district. Sister Reategui, Sister McCoard, Sister Tou, and our new STL, Sister Pareja introduce themselves to us. The workshop is about Christlike attributes. Elder Nielsen discussed the story of Samson and the story of Ruth in the Bible. This workshop helps...

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The Four Standard Works

TABACO | DAY 42 to 43 | FEBRUARY 12, 2014: The standard works are the four volumes of scripture regarded as the word of God for us Latter-Day Saints. These are the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine of Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. I can't decide what to read next after I finished the Book of Mormon so my trainer advises me...

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I Have Read the Book of Mormon

TABACO | DAY 41 | FEBRUARY 11, 2014: I just finished reading the Book of Mormon (day to day basis) for the first time! I started it when I was in the MTC. I am so happy that I did it! 😍 In the last book/part, the Book of Moroni, I learned about the basic ordinances and practices of the church of Jesus...

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First Time I Played Basketball in the Mission Field

TABACO | DAY 40 | FEBRUARY 10, 2014: Luckily, Elder Yu likes basketball also so we have a common interest and we played basketball for our exercise on this preparation day. It's really fun to play again and the last time I played was in the MTC. We played one on one and I beat E. Yu, maybe I was just lucky today...

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Their Fourth and Fifth Consecutive Sundays!

TABACO | DAY 39 | FEBRUARY 9, 2014: I was hoping that I'll see more of our investigators attend sacrament meeting today but it is not. I felt sad about it maybe because I expect too much but I should stay positive and also have faith that they will attend next Sunday. The brightest moment of this day for me was Bro. Benigno...

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Bro. Benigno & Sis. Evette Baptismal Interview

TABACO | DAY 37 to 38 | FEBRUARY 7, 2014: The focus of my personal study today is the Book of Ether. I also read some parts of the Old Testament. My companion gave me an ankle bracelet and he is also the one who did it. He said that he learned to do that in his former area in San Vicente, Catanduanes....

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Companionship Exchanges with Elder Bacalso

TABACO | DAY 35 to 36 | FEBRUARY 5, 2014: Companionship exchanges with Tiwi Elders (District Leaders can also do C.E. in their district, like the ZLs in their zone). I went to Tiwi and that was my first time doing 24 hours exchanges that were not in my area. I'm excited to be Elder Bacalso's temporary companion for one day because the...

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There's a Rainbow Always After the Rain

TABACO | DAY 34 | FEBRUARY 4, 2014: There is a storm and it is raging up and it is happening for a while now. After this storm, the sun shines again through reconciliation. As the day goes by I am experiencing hardships, trials, and challenges. As long as Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, and my family is with me I'll...

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Mount Mayon: The Heart of Bicolandia

TABACO | DAY 33 | FEBRUARY 3, 2014: I finished reading Mormon in the Book of Mormon. I learned valuable lessons from prophet Mormon who lives faithfully despite being surrounded by the scenes of wickedness and abominations. We can also liken it to our world today. We must stay obedient and faithful to Christ even in what the world dictates upon us. We...

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